STEM enables mapping of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics data with transfer learning
Profiling spatial variations of cellular composition and transcriptomic characteristics is important for understanding the physiology and pathology of tissues. Spatial transcriptomics (ST) data depict spatial gene expression but the currently dominating high-throughput technology is yet not at single-cell resolution. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (SC) data provide high-throughput transcriptomic information at the single-cell level but lack spatial information. Integrating these two types of data would be ideal for revealing transcriptomic landscapes at single-cell resolution. We develop the method STEM (SpaTially aware EMbedding) for this purpose. It uses deep transfer learning to encode both ST and SC data into a unified spatially aware embedding space, and then uses the embeddings to infer SC-ST mapping and predict pseudo-spatial adjacency between cells in SC data. Semi-simulation and real data experiments verify that the embeddings preserved spatial information and eliminated technical biases between SC and ST data. We apply STEM to human squamous cell carcinoma and hepatic lobule datasets to uncover the localization of rare cell types and reveal cell-type-specific gene expression variation along a spatial axis. STEM is powerful for mapping SC and ST data to build single-cell level spatial transcriptomic landscapes, and can provide mechanistic insights into the spatial heterogeneity and microenvironments of tissues.