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Molecular and spatial analysis of ganglion cells on retinal flatmounts: diversity, topography, and perivascularity

Nicole Y. Tsai, Kushal Nimkar, Mengya Zhao, Matthew R. Lum, Yujuan Yi, Tavita R. Garrett, Yixiao Wang, Kenichi Toma, Franklin Caval-Holme, Nikhil Reddy, Aliza T. Ehrlich, Arnold R. Kriegstein, Michael Tri H. Do, Benjamin Sivyer, Karthik Shekhar, Xin Duan

Diverse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) transmit distinct visual features from the eye to the brain. Recent studies have categorized RGCs into 45 types in mice based on transcriptomic profiles, showing strong alignment with morphological and electrophysiological properties. However, little is known about how these types are spatially arranged on the two-dimensional retinal surface—an organization that influences visual encoding—and how their local microenvironments impact development and neurodegenerative responses. To address this gap, we optimized a workflow combining imaging-based spatial transcriptomics (MERFISH) and immunohistochemical co-staining on thin flatmount retinal sections. We used computational methods to register en face somata distributions of all molecularly defined RGC types. More than 75% (34/45) of types exhibited non-uniform distributions, likely reflecting adaptations of the retina’s anatomy to the animal’s visual environment. By analyzing the local neighborhoods of each cell, we identified perivascular RGCs located near blood vessels. Seven RGC types are enriched in the perivascular niche, including members of intrinsically photosensitive RGC (ipRGC) and direction-selective RGC (DSGC) subclasses. Orthologous human RGC counterparts of perivascular types – Melanopsin-enriched ipRGCs and ON DSGCs – were also proximal to blood vessels, suggesting their perivascularity may be evolutionarily conserved. Following optic nerve crush in mice, the perivascular M1-ipRGCs and ON DSGCs showed preferential survival, suggesting that proximity to blood vessels may render cell-extrinsic neuroprotection to RGCs through an mTOR-independent mechanism. Overall, our work offers a resource characterizing the spatial profiles of RGC types, enabling future studies of retinal development, physiology, and neurodegeneration at individual neuron type resolution across the two-dimensional space.
