FFPE Sample Preparation with MERSCOPE® Application Note
Formalin fixed-paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue processing remains the most economical approach for archivable tissue specimen storage. Therefore, the ability to apply high throughput genomic applications to FFPE specimens can expand clinical assays and discovery. While FFPE preservation maintains tissue morphology, the nucleic acids in FFPE tissues usually exhibit a wide range of damage and degradation, making it difficult to retrieve the genomic information that may lead to important insights about molecular mechanisms underlying various disorders. Thus, it is critical to establish a protocol that provides unmatched accuracy and sensitivity and ensures successful, impactful spatial data generation with FFPE samples. Vizgen’s MERSCOPE FFPE Sample Preparation Workflow introduces high multiplexing, high resolution, single-cell spatial genomics analysis to FFPE samples, providing enormous opportunities in a wide range of biomedical research.