Predesigned Panels for the MERSCOPE® Platform

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Why use predesigned panels?

Spatial transcriptomics provides powerful insights into complex biology but can require high costs in time and resources to build comprehensive gene panels of interest. MERSCOPE Predesigned Panels provide curated lists of biologically relevant genes to enable cell typing and investigation of cellular functional states. Our application specific panels significantly decrease startup time and offer a cost-effective option for starting your MERFISH journey with the MERSCOPE® Platform.

Scientifically Robust Gene Lists

Predesigned panels are expertly constructed by Vizgen using peer-reviewed literature and recognized databases such as OncoKBTM, Hallmarks of Cancer, and the Mouse Brain Atlas.

Flexible Ordering

Get started with MERFISH spatial experiments faster with completely off the shelf and cost effective panels available in multiple package sizes with faster lead times.


Leverage high-quality MERFISH chemistry in Predesigned MERSCOPE gene panels.

Application Specific

Panel performance validated by Vizgen scientists to provide high-quality and meaningful MERFISH spatial transcriptomics data for application specific research.

Available Panels

MERSCOPE PanNeuro Cell Type Panel

MERSCOPE 500 gene predesigned panel providing the ability to cell type major cells in mouse brain tissue samples.

MERSCOPE PanCancer Pathways Panel

MERSCOPE 500 gene predesigned panel targeting canonical signaling pathways in human cancer tissue samples.

MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel

MERSCOPE 500 gene predesigned panel allows for the characterization of tumor and immune behavior at cellular and subcellular levels across multiple types of human cancers.

MERSCOPE PanNeuro Cell Type Panel 500 Gene (Mouse)

Distinguish the molecular and cellular heterogeneity of the mouse brain:

  • Identify all major cell types including excitatory and inhibitory neurons, astrocytes, immune cells, oligodendrocytes, peripheral glial cells, and vascular cells
  • Resolve neuronal and non-neuronal cell subtypes
  • Explore functional information of cell subtypes
  • Applicable across all mouse brain regions
  • Compatible sample types – Fresh frozen, fixed frozen, Cell culture

MERSCOPE PanCancer Pathways Panel 500 Gene (Human)

Illuminate the tumor microenvironment and understand oncological heterogeneity

  • Explore canonical signaling pathways of cancer
  • Characterize tumor behavior
  • Investigate interactions between tumor, immune, and stromal cells across human cancers
  • Compatibility across a variety of human cancers
  • Compatible sample types – Fresh Frozen, Fixed Frozen, Cell Culture, and FFPE

MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel 500 Gene (Human)

Target the immune response to cancer tissue

  • Identify major immune cells and subtypes
  • Profile immune checkpoint molecules to enable the characterization of immune-cancer interplay
  • Compatible across human Breast, Lung, Liver, Prostate, Colon, Melanoma, Ovarian, and Brain cancers
  • Compatible sample types – Fresh Frozen, Fixed Frozen, Cell Culture, and FFPE

If you are interested in using our Predesigned Panels for your research, contact us today.

Custom Panels

  • Use the Vizgen® Gene Panel Design Portal to easily build custom MERFISH gene panels for MERSCOPE.
  • Multiple Panel sizes available.
  • Sample flexibility broad range of organisms, tissue types, and preservation methods.
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Lab Services

  • Access MERFISH data without constraints on your own lab resources.
  • Receive comprehensive spatial genomic profiling services leveraging Vizgen’s Scientific Expertise.
  • Receive high-quality MERFISH spatial data.
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Frequently Asked Questions
