Application Areas
MERFISH is a game-changing technology in single-cell genomics and has broad applications in both fundamental biology and medicine, ranging from basic science, to drug discovery, to clinical pathology. Given its ability to quantify RNAs across a wide range of abundances while preserving native context, MERFISH enables many applications of in situ transcriptomic analyses of individual cells in culture or complex tissues.
Spatially profile gene expression across whole tissues down to subcellular resolution
Discover and Map Novel Cell Types and States
MERFISH measurements produce single-cell expression profiles that can be used to define cell types and states. The identity of every cell can be mapped back to the spatial coordinates within tissue samples, providing a detailed map of the organization of the tissue and precisely defining the cellular microenvironment experienced by every cell in the sample.
MERSCOPE® Web Vizualizer
Interactively view the full output of a MERSCOPE experiment, including each detected transcript, the segmented cell boundaries, and underlying high-resolution images of DAPI and cell boundary stains. Users can zoom from a whole-tissue view down to subcellular resolution and visualize the expression of all or a select subset of genes across single-cells, and color cells based on their cell type annotation. Use the 'Datasets' drop-down to select one of our publicly available data releases. You can access our data releases here Vizgen Data Release Program.
Spatially profile gene expression across whole tissues
Vizgen’s spatial imaging platform reveals the distribution of transcriptome-wide gene expression across tissue slices. With unprecedented accuracy, our measurement enables unique insight into the molecular composition of complex biological systems.
Resolve individual transcripts with nanometer-scale resolution
Every MERFISH measurement by the MERSCOPE® Platform resolves the position of each detected transcript with subcellular accuracy, providing access to the intracellular organization of the transcriptome within every cell. Critically, these measurements are available for every cell across centimeter-scale tissue samples.